
Differential List

Row Disease Sample Type Official Symbol Sign Of Difference Experimental Design Control Case P Value Paper Link Type Of Study Organism Variable Name Variable Category Case Count Control Count Technique Confidence Interval
424 Acute Sulfur Mustard Exposure Liver Glutathione DOWN Case-Control Healthy Control Acute Sulfur Mustard Exposure <0.05 in vivo Mouse Effect of SM on GSH Metabolite 12 12 NM
425 Acute Sulfur Mustard Exposure Liver Glutathione DOWN Case-Control Healthy Control Acute Sulfur Mustard Exposure <0.05 in vivo Mouse Effect of SM on GSH Metabolite 12 12 NM
426 Acute Sulfur Mustard Exposure Liver Glutathione DOWN Case-Control Healthy Control Acute Sulfur Mustard Exposure <0.05 in vivo Mouse Protective effect of amifostine on GSH Metabolite 12 12 NM
427 Acute Sulfur Mustard Exposure Liver Glutathione DOWN Case-Control Healthy Control Acute Sulfur Mustard Exposure <0.05 in vivo Mouse Protective effect of amifostine on GSH Metabolite 12 12 NM
428 Acute Sulfur Mustard Exposure Liver Glutathione DOWN Case-Control Healthy Control Acute Sulfur Mustard Exposure <0.05 in vivo Mouse Protective effect of DRDE-07 on GSH Metabolite 12 12 NM
429 Acute Sulfur Mustard Exposure Liver Glutathione DOWN Case-Control Healthy Control Acute Sulfur Mustard Exposure <0.05 in vivo Mouse Protective effect of DRDE-07 on GSH Metabolite 12 12 NM
430 Acute Sulfur Mustard Exposure Liver Glutathione UP Case-Control Acute Sulfur Mustard Exposure Acute Sulfur Mustard Exposure <0.05 in vivo Mouse Protective effect of DRDE-07 on GSH Metabolite 12 12 NM
431 Acute Sulfur Mustard Exposure Liver Oxidized glutathione NC Case-Control Healthy Control Acute Sulfur Mustard Exposure <0.05 in vivo Mouse Effect of SM on GSSG Metabolite 12 12 NM
432 Acute Sulfur Mustard Exposure Liver Oxidized glutathione DOWN Case-Control Healthy Control Acute Sulfur Mustard Exposure <0.05 in vivo Mouse Effect of SM on GSSG Metabolite 12 12 NM
433 Acute Sulfur Mustard Exposure Liver Oxidized glutathione NC Case-Control Healthy Control Acute Sulfur Mustard Exposure <0.05 in vivo Mouse Protective effect of amifostine on GSSG Metabolite 12 12 NM
434 Acute Sulfur Mustard Exposure Liver Oxidized glutathione NC Case-Control Healthy Control Acute Sulfur Mustard Exposure <0.05 in vivo Mouse Protective effect of amifostine on GSSG Metabolite 12 12 NM
435 Acute Sulfur Mustard Exposure Liver Oxidized glutathione NC Case-Control Healthy Control Acute Sulfur Mustard Exposure <0.05 in vivo Mouse Protective effect of DRDE-07 on GSSG Metabolite 12 12 NM
436 Acute Sulfur Mustard Exposure Liver Oxidized glutathione NC Case-Control Healthy Control Acute Sulfur Mustard Exposure <0.05 in vivo Mouse Protective effect of DRDE-07 on GSSG Metabolite 12 12 NM
437 Acute Sulfur Mustard Exposure Liver DNA Fragmentation NC Case-Control Healthy Control Acute Sulfur Mustard Exposure <0.05 in vivo Mouse Effect of SM on DNA fragmentation Phenotype 12 12 NM
438 Acute Sulfur Mustard Exposure Liver DNA Fragmentation UP Case-Control Healthy Control Acute Sulfur Mustard Exposure <0.05 in vivo Mouse Effect of SM on DNA fragmentation Phenotype 12 12 NM
439 Acute Sulfur Mustard Exposure Liver DNA Fragmentation NC Case-Control Healthy Control Acute Sulfur Mustard Exposure <0.05 in vivo Mouse Protective effect of amifostine on DNA fragmentation Phenotype 12 12 NM
440 Acute Sulfur Mustard Exposure Liver DNA Fragmentation UP Case-Control Healthy Control Acute Sulfur Mustard Exposure <0.05 in vivo Mouse Protective effect of amifostine on DNA fragmentation Phenotype 12 12 NM
441 Acute Sulfur Mustard Exposure Liver DNA Fragmentation DOWN Case-Control Acute Sulfur Mustard Exposure Acute Sulfur Mustard Exposure <0.05 in vivo Mouse Protective effect of amifostine on DNA fragmentation Phenotype 12 12 NM
442 Acute Sulfur Mustard Exposure Liver DNA Fragmentation NC Case-Control Healthy Control Acute Sulfur Mustard Exposure <0.05 in vivo Mouse Protective effect of DRDE-07 on DNA fragmentation Phenotype 12 12 NM
443 Acute Sulfur Mustard Exposure Liver DNA Fragmentation DOWN Case-Control Acute Sulfur Mustard Exposure Acute Sulfur Mustard Exposure <0.05 in vivo Mouse Protective effect of DRDE-07 on DNA fragmentation Phenotype 12 12 NM
819 Acute Sulfur Mustard Exposure Liver Weight NC Case-Control Healthy Control Acute Sulfur Mustard Exposure <0.05 in vivo Mouse Effect of SM on weight Phenotype 12 12 NM
820 Acute Sulfur Mustard Exposure Liver Weight DOWN Case-Control Healthy Control Acute Sulfur Mustard Exposure <0.05 in vivo Mouse Effect of SM on weight Phenotype 12 12 NM
821 Acute Sulfur Mustard Exposure Liver Weight NC Case-Control Healthy Control Acute Sulfur Mustard Exposure <0.05 in vivo Mouse Effect of amifostine on weight Phenotype 12 12 NM
822 Acute Sulfur Mustard Exposure Liver Weight DOWN Case-Control Healthy Control Acute Sulfur Mustard Exposure <0.05 in vivo Mouse Effect of amifostine on weight Phenotype 12 12 NM
823 Acute Sulfur Mustard Exposure Liver Weight UP Case-Control Acute Sulfur Mustard Exposure Acute Sulfur Mustard Exposure <0.05 in vivo Mouse Effect of amifostine on weight Phenotype 12 12 NM
824 Acute Sulfur Mustard Exposure Liver Weight NC Case-Control Healthy Control Acute Sulfur Mustard Exposure <0.05 in vivo Mouse Effect of DRDE-07 on weight Phenotype 12 12 NM
825 Acute Sulfur Mustard Exposure Liver Weight DOWN Case-Control Healthy Control Acute Sulfur Mustard Exposure <0.05 in vivo Mouse Effect of DRDE-07 on weight Phenotype 12 12 NM
826 Acute Sulfur Mustard Exposure Liver Weight UP Case-Control Acute Sulfur Mustard Exposure Acute Sulfur Mustard Exposure <0.05 in vivo Mouse Effect of DRDE-07 on weight Phenotype 12 12 NM

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