Differential data

Column Data Explain
disease Acute Sulfur Mustard Exposure ---
paper link https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19694609 ---
reference vancouver Price JA, Rogers JV, McDougal JN, Shaw MQ, Reid FM, Graham JS. Transcriptional changes in porcine skin at 7 days following sulfur mustard and thermal burn injury. Cutan Ocul Toxicol. 2009;28(3):129-40. ---
type of study in vivo ---
info_type_of_study - ---
organism Pig ---
info_organism Female Yorkshire crossbred swine (Sus scrofa, 10–12kg) ---
sample type Skin Biopsy ---
info_sample_type - ---
variable_name NM ---
official symbol BMP5 bone morphogenetic protein 5
info official symbol Bone morphogenetic protein 5 ---
variable category Transcript ---
sign of difference id DOWN Downregulated/Dicreased
experimental design id Case-Control ---
case Acute Sulfur Mustard Exposure ---
info case 400uL of undiluted HD for 8 minutes ---
case count 3 ---
control Healthy Control ---
info_control unexposed ---
control count 3 ---
technique Microarray ---
p value <0.05 ---
confidence interval - ---
year of publication 2009 ---
correspond name Azimzadeh ---
email azimzadeh@gmail.com ---

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