Differential data

Column Data Explain
disease Chronic Sulfur Mustard Exposure ---
paper link https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0145148 ---
reference vancouver Pirzad Jahromi G, Ghanei M, Hosseini SK, Shamsaei A, Gholipourmalekabadi M, Koochaki A, et al. Characterization of Lung Fibroblasts More than Two Decades after Mustard Gas Exposure. PLoS One. 2015;10(12):e0145148. ---
type of study in vivo ---
info_type_of_study - ---
organism Human ---
info_organism patients with documented history of exposure to single high-dose sulfur mustard during 1985–17 ---
sample type Lung Parenchyma ---
info_sample_type - ---
variable_name each passage performed at 28 days after the start of the primary culture ---
official symbol Cell population doubling level Cell population doubling levels (PDLs) is a measure of the number of times a population of cells has doubled
info official symbol - ---
variable category Phenotype ---
sign of difference id UP Upregulated/Increased
experimental design id Case-Control ---
case Chronic Sulfur Mustard Exposure ---
info case chemical injury with SM after twenty years of exposure and delayed pulmonary complications ---
case count 5 ---
control non_healthy Control ---
info_control patients who underwent lobectomy/pneumonectomy for removal of a primary lung tumor ---
control count 4 ---
technique NM ---
p value <0.05 ---
confidence interval - ---
year of publication 2015 ---
correspond name Ali Samadikuchaksaraei ---
email samadikuchaksaraei@yahoo.com ---

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