
Paper List

Reference Publication Year Correlations Differentials
Pirzad Jahromi G, Ghanei M, Hosseini SK, Shamsaei A, Gholipourmalekabadi M, Koochaki A, et al. Characterization of Lung Fibroblasts More than Two Decades after Mustard Gas Exposure. PLoS One. 2015;10(12):e0145148. 2015
Emad A, Emad V. Elevated levels of MCP-1, MIP-alpha and MIP-1 beta in the bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid of patients with mustard gas-induced pulmonary fibrosis. Toxicology. 2007;240(1-2):60-9 2007
Nourani MR, Azimzadeh S, Ghanei M, Imani Fooladi AA. Expression of glutathione S-transferase variants in human airway wall after long-term response to sulfur mustard. J Recept Signal Transduct Res. 2014;34(2):125-30. 2014
Parvin S, Arabfard M, Ghazvini A, Ghanei M, Najafi A. Comparative proteomic analysis of mustard lung as a complicated disease using systems biology approach. BMC Pulm Med. 2022;22(1):437. 2022
Riahi-Zanjani B, Balali-Mood M, Mousavi SR, Karimi G, Sadeghi M, Shirmast E, Mahmoudi M. Serum cytokine profiles of Khorasan veterans 23 years after sulfur mustard exposure. Cytokine. 2014;70(2):161-4. 2014
Jain AK, Tewari-Singh N, Orlicky DJ, White CW, Agarwal R. 2-Chloroethyl ethyl sulfide causes microvesication and inflammation-related histopathological changes in male hairless mouse skin. Toxicology. 2011;282(3):129-38 2011
Pohanka M, Sobotka J, Stetina R. Sulfur mustard induced oxidative stress and its alteration by epigallocatechin gallate. Toxicology letters. 2011;201(2):105-9. 2011
Parvin S, Shahriary A, Aghamollaei H, Gh B, Bagheri H, Ghanei M, et al. Tear proteomics analysis of patient suffered from delayed mustard gas keratopathy. Proteome Sci. 2022;20(1):13. 2022
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Price JA, Rogers JV, McDougal JN, Shaw MQ, Reid FM, Graham JS. Transcriptional changes in porcine skin at 7 days following sulfur mustard and thermal burn injury. Cutan Ocul Toxicol. 2009;28(3):129-40. 2009
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Ricketts KM, Santai CT, France JA, Graziosi AM, Doyel TD, Gazaway MY, Casillas RP. Inflammatory cytokine response in sulfur mustard-exposed mouse skin. J Appl Toxicol. 2000;20 Suppl 1:S73-6. 2000
Anand T, Vijayaraghavan R, Bansal I, Bhattacharya BK. Role of inflammatory cytokines and DNA damage repair proteins in sulfur mustard exposed mice liver. Toxicology mechanisulfur mustards and methods. 2009;19(5):356-62 2009
Platteborze PL. The transcriptional effects of the vesicants lewisite and sulfur mustard on human epidermal keratinocytes. Toxicol Mech Methods. 2005;15(3):185-92. 2005
Rogers JV, McDougal JN, Price JA, Reid FM, Graham JS. Transcriptional responses associated with sulfur mustard and thermal burns in porcine skin. Cutan Ocul Toxicol. 2008;27(3):135-60. 2008
Pajoohesh M, Naderi M, Naderi-Manesh H. Proteomic features of delayed ocular symptoms caused by exposure to sulfur mustard: As studied by protein profiling of corneal epithelium. Biochim Biophys Acta Proteins Proteom. 2017;1865(11 Pt A):1445-54. 2017
Yaraee R, Ghazanfari T, Faghihzadeh S, Mostafaie A, Soroush MR, Inai K, et al. Alterations in the serum levels of soluble L, P and E-selectin 20 years after sulfur mustard exposure: Sardasht-Iran Cohort Study. International immunopharmacology. 2009;9(13-14):1477-81. 2009
Panahi Y, Ghanei M, Bashiri S, Hajihashemi A, Sahebkar A. Short-term Curcuminoid Supplementation for Chronic Pulmonary Complications due to Sulfur Mustard Intoxication: Positive Results of a Randomized Double-blind Placebo-controlled Trial. Drug research. 2015;65(11):567-73. 2015
Rokni Yazdi H, Lari SM, Attaran D, Ayatollahi H, Mohsenizadeh A. The serum levels of adiponectin and leptin in mustard lung patients. Hum Exp Toxicol. 2014;33(6):574-81. 2014
Eghtedardoost M, Hassan ZM, Ghazanfari T, Sadeghipour A, Ghanei M. Evaluation of mRNA Expression Levels of TNFalpha, TNFR1 and IL1beta in Lung Tissue 20 Years after Sulfur-mustard Exposure. Iran J Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2018;17(4):379-87. 2012
Pu Y, Lin P, Vaughan FL, Bernstein IA. Appearance of interleukin 1 alpha relates DNA interstrand cross-links and cytotoxicity in cultured human keratinocytes exposed to bis-(2-chloroethyl) sulfide. Journal of applied toxicology : JAT. 1995;15(6):477-82. 2012
Ghaffarpour S, Ghazanfari T, Kabudanian Ardestani S, Pourfarzam S, Fallahi F, Shams J, et al. Correlation between MMP-9 and MMP-9/ TIMPs Complex with Pulmonary Function in Sulfur Mustard Exposed Civilians: Sardasht-Iran Cohort Study. Arch Iran Med. 2017;20(2):74-82. 2012
Calvet JH, Planus E, Rouet P, Pezet S, Levame M, Lafuma C, et al. Matrix metalloproteinase gelatinases in sulfur mustard-induced acute airway injury in guinea pigs. Am J Physiol. 1999;276(5):L754-62. 2012
Farahani P, Halabian R, Vahedi E, Salimian J. Increased Genes Expression Levels of Cytokines Related to Th17/Treg Cells in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cell Correlate with Clinical Severity in COPD and Mustard Gas-exposed Patients. Iran J Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2017;16(5):396-403. 2012

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